Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bad Idea for an Ornament Exchange

So as you all know, this semester has consisted of my spending weeks in Houston while Michael is in College Station. Before the move, we began serving on the leadership team for our Sunday School class at Grace Bible Church, but since I'm out of town so much, Michael has had to shoulder more of our joint responsibilities than he was previously used to.

Last Friday night, December 7th, we held our annual Newly Weds/ Young Marrieds (NWYM- our Sunday school class) Christmas Party and Ornament Exchange. We were supposed to bring an ornament and dessert. Michael did great on dessert- got strawberry cheesecake- then came the ornament. Because we are a class of young marrieds and newly weds, Michael thought it would be funny to get an ornament that says "Baby's First Christmas." I present to you exhibit A:

Exhibit A

Funny right? Well I thought so...many of us did initially. Until we realized that there are actually couples in the class who are trying to get pregnant but have not been successful yet. OOPS! Now what? By the time this realization dawned on us, the ornament exchange had already started.

It gets worse from here! We have friends that we suspected may be trying to get pregnant but were unsure about it, and at any rate it hadn't happened yet...at least we thought. Oh no! They got the baby ornament...what if they were struggling with getting pregnant and now they have a horrible reminder of that?

But yay! God works all things for good (wink wink). Our friends who got the baby ornament just told us that they were in fact, PREGNANT! Yay! Now we don't feel bad about our ornament! And we get to celebrate with our friends, Aaron and Liz Palermo.

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