Ok, so I'm usually Miss Weekly Blog Poster, but things have been crazy! Work just got totally out of control since the new year started and I've had lots to do to keep up. I get up before 6 to get ready for work then after I finally get home (after about an hour commute) the last thing I want to do is write a blog entry. However, I had some a short break at work today that I decided to use for myself instead of being pro-active and finding more work to do. (It will bite me in the butt tomorrow, but for now I shall enjoy my Diet Dr. Pepper and UPDATE!)
So the first exciting thing is that Michael and I bought road bikes. I am a total newbie at this, so my cycling lingo isn't very good yet, but my friends at work are calling me a "rider." Ha! Here is my bike...
Michael will have to update on his because although I know its a Felt, I don't know what model. Cycling is an expensive sport to get into. Other than the bike, you need shoes, a helmet, and those cute little shorts. Plus gloves and a jacket if you start in winter like us! So our training will start soon and we'll be riding often when it gets a little bit warmer.
Our house is coming along and I'll have pictures of that soon, once the decorating is complete. Michael is going to play poker on Friday, so that is a perfect time for me to use my domestic skills to hang pictures and curtains and get out little house feeling like a home. Speaking of decorating, does anyone know where I can get a cowhide rug? Not black and white, but maybe a tan and white?

Random thought for this week: On my way to work this morning, I was listening to an older Shane and Shane CD and the song "You Said" starting playing. This always reminds me of my 2nd year at A&M when a lot of my friends started going on mission trips over seas. What really hit me this morning, is that everyday I go to work, I am in a new "nation" if you will. And everyday I have the opportunity to share the love of Christ with them. As the song says, "the harvest is here, the kingdom is near." What "nation" is the Lord bringing to you? Where is it that you are supposed to be pouring into people and sharing the love of Christ? Sometimes I think that the missing piece that will help our faith grow even more than we could imagine is sharing the gospel. We get focused on prayers and quiet times (which are great! don't get me wrong--they are essential) but what are you DOING with the knowledge, peace, joy, and love that God has given you? Those are all tools that you can use in the "nation" that God has called you to so that you can share His love.
Aight, Peace Ninjas and back to work. Gotta get some stuff done now so I can make it to family dinner with my dad tonight!
1 comment:
Welcome to the world of cycling! Ok, you and Mikey will have to bring your bikes now too so we can all ride in the hills of Tennessee. I'm a weeney though and don't like riding in the winter so much.
Also, no dice on the cowhide rug but I'm sure you have lots of Texas stores around that would be happy to sell one to you. I miss those!
And couldn't agree more about sharing with your own nation. I think it is a pitfall of Christendom today to think that you have to be a "missionary" or a "pastor" to be Christ to others. We are all His witnesses and some of the most effective evangelism is the relational evangelism in your own little world of influence.
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