Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I found it...
And from the same episode...I like this one too!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Ha Ha Ha-- For your Viewing Enjoyment
First Up: The Wonderpets!
Ming Favorite Wonderpet!
Now, the Backyardigans!
And one more from our Backyard Friends...they are so cute!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Our First Ride
Thursday, January 24, 2008
In Desparate Need to Update..

Random thought for this week: On my way to work this morning, I was listening to an older Shane and Shane CD and the song "You Said" starting playing. This always reminds me of my 2nd year at A&M when a lot of my friends started going on mission trips over seas. What really hit me this morning, is that everyday I go to work, I am in a new "nation" if you will. And everyday I have the opportunity to share the love of Christ with them. As the song says, "the harvest is here, the kingdom is near." What "nation" is the Lord bringing to you? Where is it that you are supposed to be pouring into people and sharing the love of Christ? Sometimes I think that the missing piece that will help our faith grow even more than we could imagine is sharing the gospel. We get focused on prayers and quiet times (which are great! don't get me wrong--they are essential) but what are you DOING with the knowledge, peace, joy, and love that God has given you? Those are all tools that you can use in the "nation" that God has called you to so that you can share His love.
Aight, Peace Ninjas and back to work. Gotta get some stuff done now so I can make it to family dinner with my dad tonight!
Monday, January 7, 2008
What will 2008 bring?
So I'm trying to decide what I should work on this year. I think last year was great, but I want to work on more! I have both concrete and more abstract things to work on...
1. Doing a tri-athalon with Mikey. We are going to start training as much as possible and hope to be able to do a tri-athalon this fall. And in the mean time, I will be running the beach to bay relay (4 miles) in May, and we hope to be able to do the MS 150 (bike from Houston to Austin) next Spring (2009)
2. Toughen up! Emothionally I mean. I am super sensitive. That isn't always a bad thing, because it is part of what makes me empathetic and compassionate (things I believe to be strengths). But I need to learn not to take things so personally. I am just CRUSHED if I ever upset a friend or family member, then I feel so wierd around them after that, like I'm on thin ice or something and I do everything I can not to upset them again, then I end up not acting like myself and more than likely will upset them again! Its a vicious circle that I am determined to break free from this year!
3. Find a church home and home group in Houston. Michael and I just recently moved to Houston and haven't been in-town yet on a Sunday, but we are ready to get going. I know that going to church does not make you a christian, or even a better one necessarily, but the Lord gave us the church and we need to be part of it! We have found through our previous membership at Grace Bible Church in College Station, that being truely INVOLVED in a church not only challenges us as individuals, but also as a couple, and our church and home group were such a support and a glue that helped us hold everything together over the past year and a half when things were just so crazy. Thank God for friends who walk the road with you and encourage you and lift you up when it is a road you must walk alone!
Looks Can Be Deceiving

This is Dixie.

This is Kona.
Precious right? I mean look at them! They are big dogs, but both think that they are lap dogs. And last night, I fell asleep with both dogs cuddled up with me. So Sweet!
BUT, yesterday we got home from our cruise to a bad report! Sweet little Dixie decided that a baseboard would make a good chew toy! And little Kona started being sneaky and sleeping on couches while she was left alone. And she does know better than that. She is allowed on the bed when she is invited, but NEVER on the couches. We have been gone for a week and they haven't had our strict rules while my brother watched them, but Michael and I are invoking Michael Law...time to whip those girls back into shape!
I know it won't take long, they have just not been in a routine for a while now. But now, we are back from all our travels, and we are actually able to just "live" in our new house. We get to establish our own routine, minus Mikey's classes, etc, and we are really looking forward to it.
And so are the dogs!