Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Cow in the house!
Here it is in the living room. It looks great! Thanks Aunt Mel!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I <3 My Roomba
Now the dogs on the other hand are not so sure about it. Kona's mortal enemy is our vacuum, but this one isn't as loud and just kind of goes, so she sort of tried to play with it last night. Which brings up my next concern, Kona may play "attack" the Roomba and we will come up to find it broken or in pieces. Dixie on the other hand is afraid of everything, so I doubt that she would muster up the courage to attack a robot vacuum. You never know what will happen at the Waters' house...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Financial Protection
I got an email the next day requesting me to call and confirm the reservation. When I called, the manager asked the usual questions, and we were just about finished when he asked the question that ruined the whole deal. He specifically asked for the card verification number on my credit card. This is the 3 or 4 digit number on the back of your card that is used to prevent fraud. The intention of the number is such that it ensures you have the card in your hand to use it. The number is transmitted only to the card company who verifies the code is valid. It is not stored, and in fact, is required not to be stored anywhere in any way so that if a database of card numbers is hacked, the verification code will not be stolen with them.
I was immediately unnerved by his request for this code that I had to tell him I would call him back on that. I gathered that his intention was to write it down, as he told me they were not allowed to store it electronically. That just oozed "secure" to me, and his assurances that the 300 lb man in their office would deter any would be thieves made me laugh. I also laughed when he told me they use this software that is the "second most secure software in the world, second only to the Pentagon, and even that has been hacked, so maybe its the most secure". There is no such thing as secure in public communications and the interwebs.
I had the feeling the guy did not really know much about his business, and only knew how to use the software that someone told him to use, so I called the software company to ask if they required the code for all transactions. The tech support, which is apparently one of two people that run the company (the most secure ever), assured me there were not such restrictions and that they could process a payment without it. When confronted with this information, the manger of the management company was shocked and had to call himself. When he came back on the line, he said he "learns something new everyday" and confirmed my reservation.
Today, I get a call again. This time he's not so friendly. He has decided that even though he can process the payment, there is a chance it will be denied without the code and he cannot accept my reservation. Even with a signed agreement to lease the house, which would give him the right to pursue the charges even if they were denied, was not enough because it might cause him more work. He was then quite rude to me and even called me paranoid.
I guess I am a bit paranoid, but I prefer to protect myself at all costs. What I can't figure out is how they have been in business for any length of time, requesting this information from people who willingly give it to them. It's analogous to giving your house key to a mechanic, or your ATM pin number to the clerk at the grocery store. Its unnecessary risk, and in my mind is stupid of both parties, those who ask for it and those who give it.
So we are back looking for another location to spend the holiday weekend. Hopefully, the next company we deal with is a bit smarter. Just like boxing referees always say, "Protect yourself at all times, and let's have a good, clean fight".
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Kickin' the Habit

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
My Husband is an Addict
So for all the times he's made fun of us Harry Potter lovers, I had to broadcast that my hubby is now on the band wagon!
Here is my ode to Michael and Harry Potter

Friday, March 7, 2008
God Moves Mountains: Rollin' Revelations
I was driving to work (which has been really tough lately) and on KSBJ, they shared a story of a woman who was having a really tough season in her life and on her way home was praying and just said, God I need a hug. When she got out of her car, her son came up to her and said Mom I just have to give you a hug, and she knew that God had answered her prayer.
Well I was sitting in really bad traffic trying to make it to work...I had been late that past two mornings due to unexpected traffic issues. I turned the radio down and just desperately prayed...God, you know that work is hard for me and I know you are taking care of it, but this morning, could you please just get me there? Just get me there...While I was praying a missed a turn that I needed to take. When I finally got back on course, I looked down the street I should have already been on and it was backed up as far as I could see! If I hadn't missed my turn, I would have been extremely late that morning. Instead I actually got to work 10 minutes early! A song came on the radio and there is a line that says "I stand in awe of every mountain that you move." That morning, my mountain was traffic. And God was so faithful to me in taking care of it for me.
I actually wrote an e-mail to the KSBJ DJs when I got to work and shared my story and they shared my e-mail on the air!
Application Thought: We all have mountains to over come in our lives at one time or another. Traffic, hard jobs, trouble in your marriage, money issues...there is no denying that we have mountains to climb. Remember the scripture that says that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. God is in tuned with your every need. Even when your faith seems like its run out (believe me I've been there), God hears your prayers and is working things out. Cry out to Jesus when you have mountains to climb. Even when your strength has run out, he will carry you.
Psalm 116:1--
"I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy."
Friday, February 29, 2008
Rollin' Revelations
So anyways, I have learned a lot of new songs since I began this and as cheesey as they are sometimes, they have really just spoken to my heart. So, every so often, I will share my Rollin' Revelations with you.
There is one song this week that really had an impact on me. Amazing Grace by Chris Tomlin.
I am in a women's bible study right now and we are going through "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore. I love the words of this song, "My Chains are gone, I've been set free. My God, my saviour Has Ransomed me. And like a flood, His Mercy Rains. Unending love. Amazing Grace." I started thinking about the things in my life that have held me in bondage and prevented me from experiencing abaundant life in Christ. The more I thought about breaking free from those chains, the more I realized that they have already been broken by my Savior who rescued me. A-Men! The day I declared I believed and anwered God's call on my life, those chains were broken...I was set free. It was for freedom that Christ set me free (Gal. 5:1) And there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jeses (Romans 8). Why then do I still live in bondage? Becuase I am picking up those chains and putting them on. Sometimes, the weight of those chains is so much to bear that I don't feel they'll ever come off. But this song reminded me so much that though I may have those chains on, the lock has been broken and God can remove them. Another A-Men! They aren't permanent. I can never lock those chains back on again becuase God has paid a ransom for my life....there is always a way for them to come off with the power of my saviour!
Through this message, the Lord has also been speaking to me about mediocrity. I keep hearing, "Child, you have been set free. Why are you living in anything less than the abundant life I've given you?" Through my prayer times, I have been asking the Holy Spirit to show me the areas that I am settling for less. And asking what is holding me back. The answer that I've come up with time and again is "good intentions." I intend to be an excellent wife, to share God at work and with my neighbors, to grow deeper in my relationship with God. I even come up with plans on how to do it. But as my pastor said at church on Sunday, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." So I've started asking myself, its good to WANT to do something, but ARE you doing it?
So I sum up my Rollin' Revelation this week with two points.
1. Do you know that your hope is secure in Christ? He came to set the captive free and no one can snatch you out of his hand. He has taken off your chains and you are FREE!
2. Are you wearing needless chains that are causing you to settle for medicrity in life and not experience that abundant life that Christ died to give you?
This is a VERY long post and thanks for reading...maybe my other revelations won't be so long!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Random Thought
"Water spewed out of the broken fire hydrant"
"Coke spewed out of the can when I opened it up"
"Old Faithful spews"
"I laughed so hard I spewed out my food"
You get the idea. What a gross word right? Who says Spew? There are so many more eloquent words. Though "spewing" is what we often do because of the messy lives we lead. We go to our friends and spew all of our drama, excitement, stresses, triumphs. We may even go to the Lord and SPEW our stuff on him...which by the way, he wants us to do. But are you always the spewer and not a spewee? Ask yourself that question. We long for someone to spew on, but are you a spewable friend? Are you a spewable disciple of the Lord? Are you letting him speak to you, empower you with the Holy Spirit?
As much as I SPEW, and Lord knows that I do, I want to be spewable. So here I am! Spew on me!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Cinderella, by Stephen Curtis Chapman
Monday, February 11, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
I Heart Michael!
After shopping, we met my friend Molly for sushi in south Austin and then headed home. It was a great, great way to celebrate my 25th birthday.
Thanks Michael! I love you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much! (Actually more, but you get the idea)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I found it...
And from the same episode...I like this one too!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Ha Ha Ha-- For your Viewing Enjoyment
First Up: The Wonderpets!
Ming Favorite Wonderpet!
Now, the Backyardigans!
And one more from our Backyard Friends...they are so cute!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Our First Ride
Thursday, January 24, 2008
In Desparate Need to Update..

Random thought for this week: On my way to work this morning, I was listening to an older Shane and Shane CD and the song "You Said" starting playing. This always reminds me of my 2nd year at A&M when a lot of my friends started going on mission trips over seas. What really hit me this morning, is that everyday I go to work, I am in a new "nation" if you will. And everyday I have the opportunity to share the love of Christ with them. As the song says, "the harvest is here, the kingdom is near." What "nation" is the Lord bringing to you? Where is it that you are supposed to be pouring into people and sharing the love of Christ? Sometimes I think that the missing piece that will help our faith grow even more than we could imagine is sharing the gospel. We get focused on prayers and quiet times (which are great! don't get me wrong--they are essential) but what are you DOING with the knowledge, peace, joy, and love that God has given you? Those are all tools that you can use in the "nation" that God has called you to so that you can share His love.
Aight, Peace Ninjas and back to work. Gotta get some stuff done now so I can make it to family dinner with my dad tonight!
Monday, January 7, 2008
What will 2008 bring?
So I'm trying to decide what I should work on this year. I think last year was great, but I want to work on more! I have both concrete and more abstract things to work on...
1. Doing a tri-athalon with Mikey. We are going to start training as much as possible and hope to be able to do a tri-athalon this fall. And in the mean time, I will be running the beach to bay relay (4 miles) in May, and we hope to be able to do the MS 150 (bike from Houston to Austin) next Spring (2009)
2. Toughen up! Emothionally I mean. I am super sensitive. That isn't always a bad thing, because it is part of what makes me empathetic and compassionate (things I believe to be strengths). But I need to learn not to take things so personally. I am just CRUSHED if I ever upset a friend or family member, then I feel so wierd around them after that, like I'm on thin ice or something and I do everything I can not to upset them again, then I end up not acting like myself and more than likely will upset them again! Its a vicious circle that I am determined to break free from this year!
3. Find a church home and home group in Houston. Michael and I just recently moved to Houston and haven't been in-town yet on a Sunday, but we are ready to get going. I know that going to church does not make you a christian, or even a better one necessarily, but the Lord gave us the church and we need to be part of it! We have found through our previous membership at Grace Bible Church in College Station, that being truely INVOLVED in a church not only challenges us as individuals, but also as a couple, and our church and home group were such a support and a glue that helped us hold everything together over the past year and a half when things were just so crazy. Thank God for friends who walk the road with you and encourage you and lift you up when it is a road you must walk alone!
Looks Can Be Deceiving

This is Dixie.

This is Kona.
Precious right? I mean look at them! They are big dogs, but both think that they are lap dogs. And last night, I fell asleep with both dogs cuddled up with me. So Sweet!
BUT, yesterday we got home from our cruise to a bad report! Sweet little Dixie decided that a baseboard would make a good chew toy! And little Kona started being sneaky and sleeping on couches while she was left alone. And she does know better than that. She is allowed on the bed when she is invited, but NEVER on the couches. We have been gone for a week and they haven't had our strict rules while my brother watched them, but Michael and I are invoking Michael Law...time to whip those girls back into shape!
I know it won't take long, they have just not been in a routine for a while now. But now, we are back from all our travels, and we are actually able to just "live" in our new house. We get to establish our own routine, minus Mikey's classes, etc, and we are really looking forward to it.
And so are the dogs!