Since I mentioned Andrew in my last post, I figured that now would be a good time to introduce him. Most of you know that I have an older brother, Jason, but sometimes get confused when I talk about my little brother...I have two of those...David who is 23 and not really so little (he's over a foot taller than me!), and then there is little Andrew who is 5 and in kindergarten. Andrew is so much fun to be around and is very interested in things that I know that he doesn't. For example, he is thinking that he might like to watch Nightmare Before Christmas but is worried that it will be too scary. A couple of weeks ago, he and I sat on the couch and had a very long discussion about the movie and what everything means, and why there are skeletons, and if they are bad. It was very cute. He did the same thing before his trip to Disney World. He wanted to know every ride I had been on and which was my favorite. I am so glad that we moved to Houston and I get to be more involved in the life of little Andrew!
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